mardi 10 décembre 2019

JOURNEYS by Nadine Ltaif, translation Christine Tipper

Lecture de Christine Tipper de l'extrait : HAGAR

Je suis heureuse de vous annoncer la parution de la traduction anglaise d’un choix de mes poèmes regroupés sous le titre JOURNEYS, traduits par mon amie et poète Christine Tipper, aux éditions Guernica. 

Je suis honorée par ce troisième livre traduit publié chez Guernica et ma deuxième collaboration avec Christine Tipper qui a déjà traduit Entre les fleuves (Changing Shores) dans la même maison.

Nadine Ltaif's poems reflect deeply on the meaning of life, of regrets and the irrepressible determination to continue living. The poet takes us to Carthage; to Andalusia to contemplate its history of Moors, wars and religion; to India where women lives, past and present, are expressed through vivid imagery. Hamra sees the exiled poet return to Beirut, the childhood home she fled in 1975. Yet, her poems are full of colour and lightness as she explores her old neighbourhood. This you will not read is a letter of love and absence in Montreal. Journeys are inspirational for Ltaif.

Christine Tipper is an internationally published poet and translator living in England. She has a passion for languages, translation, and the creative arts in general. She translated

numerous poems from French into English, including Nadine Ltaif’s Changing Shores (Guernica, 2009), Danielle Fournier’s We come from the same light (Guernica, 2011), Francis Catalano’s Where spaces glow (Guernica, 2013), and Lélia Young’s I write these words, (Inanna, 2013). Her works appear in the following Anthologies: Domestic Cherry 3 (2013) and Osiris (2015).


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